The leader in digital content management and anti-piracy solutions!
You work hard to build your brand. We work hard to protect it.
Creator videos protected
Infringements detected
Search results removed
Tube videos checked every month
What We Do:
We are turning the complex topic of piracy into a streamlined and simple process that yields true results. We do this not by just sending out takedown requests, but by analyzing each situation and designing a unique approach to tackle it.
Our extensive experience working with major tube sites, hosting services, and file sharing platforms enables us to implement the optimal strategy to ensure that your brand is always protected.
Whether it is our automated on-upload removal service RightSecure keeping your content from showing up on the tube sites, or our state of the art ContentHunter system doing a deep dive to find content even in the darkest corners, you can feel secure knowing we are always watching over your brand.
Why We Do It:
We believe that content owners should feel comfortable knowing that when they share their creations, they are in control of where it goes and how it is used. With technological evolution, it is becoming evermore complex to manage audio/video/image rights. From smart watermark removals to deep-fakes to machine learning generated content, the traditional methods of rights management are becoming less and less effective.
This is why we use state of the art fingerprinting and watermark detection technology to ensure we can stay ahead of the soon-to-be-common technological advances in piracy. We want to empower our clients to have control over their creations, and to make sure that their content is used only in ways that they decide by not only removing unauthorized videos, but also providing powerful data and metrics.
This is beyond copyright protection. This is full brand management.
We use state of the art audio/video fingerprinting and watermark detection to identify your content across the web. We match each piece of content based on it's actual audio and video characteristics, their watermarks, and their metadata. We can detect content which has been spliced, manipulated, distorted, re-encoded, grayscaled or even turned into a cartoon. It is what makes us so effective at what we do. Our services include:
We are always up to date with the current legal requirements and changes within the digital landscape. Our services are designed to provide protection for nearly every single conceivable situation. From protecting creators who have their works distributed without their permission, to media sharing platforms who want to prevent objectionable content from being posted, we have a solution which will fit your need.
We believe in proactive solutions that solve core problems.